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Six reality of Life

How do I thought, feeling and attitude when you read and ponder one by one on the word of God? Certain knowledge and insight you gain wide. The confidence you will and power of God and the increasing depth. Roads selected for the desire-the desire in your life is bright and clear. Similarly, about the mission and vision of your life in the world is very bright. Challenges in the road meniti also appears to have been evident, and the chaste nature of hubris that is in itself so easily to leave the truth that comes from God the Creator. Carnality and hubris that are used to Satan upon you to the brink in behavior, habits and culture that is not good or unscrupulous (munkar). Then you forget ourselves, forget and forget the Creator of the various forms of the good life because you have be chaste and Satan, and be covered by clothing morgue. But "the morgue my clothes. Who I will use him with the follow-tidakan hard ", the word of God the Creator (Hadist Qudsi)

However, if you successfully control carnality and close the door so that the devil he can not tempt and seduce you through the door of the heart, ear and eye as described in the SEI Mechanism in this book, you will achieve success in this phase of life and also phase-the next phase. You surely achieve the rank, or The Great Success Success Without Borders. But if you have weak carnality is in itself, is not powerless mengahadapi gentle persuasion of the devil so jactitation clothing into your life in the contemporary world, then you will fail in the world and will fail again in the more phase-phase trip Tourism Abadi next. Very chilling indeed. May Allah save us all ....

To assist and facilitate our understanding, mencerna and menghayati some word of God above, let us remember and renungkan six realities of life that we Get in this phase; Phase After Birth:

1. We are born to duinia this subject in a state of the system, the creation of God the Creator and formulated through a long process. For birth to this world we have to go through five phases of life as described previously. Therefore, not until after the large and mature us proud in the Creator, such as Satan, alias does not want to comply and obey the God who designed the system, which is the natural system (based on character) and is very suitable for our life in this world.

2. We are born to the earth is 100% pure top will, Rahmat (mercy) and God's grace alone. No human being or any of the creation of a role for us. Therefore, do not mature until after we kufur (the) will, Grace and Favor of God the Creator, so it does not want to give grace and His mercy is very great. Perjalalan our tour in the next life in this world will not fall apart from the grace and nikma him.

3. We are born to this world in a poor state property. No one except the man who was born in a state of nudity. Therefore, do not mature until after we are enslaved property of the function is not more than life support facilities in the world to the real and eternal life, namely the Hereafter.

4. We are born to this world in a stupid alias berilmu not. No man is born to this world is able to speak, except Jesus' alaihissalam, especially graduates title. Therefore, lest the knowledge gained during our adult cause we far from the Creator God, let alone refuse to play the rules that created him or try to make his science, as set in our behavior in this world.

5. We are born to this world in a state of weakness, not the wall, even to keri and sloping to the right just can not, let alone sit down and ran fast. No man born to this world in a state of burly. Therefore, do not mature until after we use the power of wealth, position, rank, position, group, party, and so forth to colonize and menzalimi human and make mischief on the earth.

6. We are born to this world, in this place, on that date and, through intermediaries both parents originating from a particular tribe or a nation, not the top choice of our own. However, purely based on the scenario and the will of God the Creator. Therefore do not mature until after we forget the mission and vision of the creation of our very noble that God has set for us. With the mission and vision is also that we make up in rank in the top face of this earth, not because of wealth, rank, position, race, nation, offspring, land and water sebagainya.Dari

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