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Several weekends ago, the reunion event in a "primary school", some old friends gather at a café in the Jakarta, we were very surprise, because we can still come together in spite of more than twenty-five years never met before, and the program is very warm full of caprice, even though the face and we have not semungil and selucu first. In the middle of flat and caprice, terselip a serious discussion about peer kegelisahannya to the impact of the economic crisis that is not stabilized, the business experienced a decline and even threatened in the closing time may be right, he experienced a profound confusion, I think that the problem is a crisis not only impacts to himself, but also seize the attention, especially business practitioners.

News is very easy to find in the print media, electronic television, radio and internet sites, every day, yes, almost every day of course, proclaim that exacerbated the economic crisis had fallen sharply, it is not only in the country that we love, even this crisis worldwide . Not only companies engaged in banking affected directly, as well as automotive companies, manufacturing, mines, real estate, and other giant-scale business, call it a big company such as Citibank, general motors, ford, Volkswagen, Lehmann brothers, and other.

Not be separated as well, impact to local companies in the country that we love, from companies large and small scale, this makes the wrath of directors and shareholders, and also raise concerns and the threat of PHK dirumahkan for thousands of employees who take shelter in the company.

So many experts, economic analysis, in terms of numbers for the numbers, the assumption for the assumption that the recovery takes one to three years, a relatively long time for the recovery process, and become very day kekawatiran workers who have been threatened and will be in PHK, because funds compensation they earn from the PHK just enough to cover the needs of the month only, and how their next life, this became a heavy burden of life. When the crisis is not resolved in the near future then the analyst predicted not only the economic crisis that occurred more dasyat, will also spread to the political and social crisis, is chilling ...

That's when the crisis ...

Did you feel that the narrow and will always come and always switch silih encountered in each generation, you ingatkah recession that occurred in 1998, political and economic crisis going on in this country, how many companies are experiencing pailit or recession, they berhasilkah through ? What is the business world after death and drowned? Yet the business still running post-crisis, the recovery is only a month alone, there are even a number of years in recovery, but it's only after that time all people find sustenance each level ..

In addition to this country in 1998 era, is also in the past, namely in the 1960s, no less a day of the week, the people of this country queued, queued basic materials, and even amputation occurred currency, at the time that drastic changes occurred map business in Indonesia, many large-scale Indian companies, but not some little company's new show replaces the previous generation as the motor driving the economy. Yet it remains after all that time people have found sustenance value each.

In the United States than in any year is 2008, had experienced problems about the economic crisis in 1930-an, begitupun in japan, Iceland, germany, and many other countries with different levels of influence that different, even this crisis also override the time of the Apostles, see story of the Prophet Joseph, as in the seven-year famine, the era of Prophet Moses, begitupun time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Messenger of Allah they are not released during the difficult period in his life journey. Yet it remains after all that time people have found sustenance value each.

That world, silih switch, and many of limited field come and go ... because the concept of life is never explained that the indicators of success that is rich, and life is not to reach and enjoy the wealth or poverty with pasrah life, life is not only looking for food and drink , this life have a meaning, as a Muslim, you happy, because the concept of life in Islam is very clear, life is struggle, life is the actualization of aqidahnya, life is a struggle for the interests of aqidahnya and not vice versa, life is but wasilah on the implementation Worship Him concept in the sense that total, and so happy all the tests, and the success of the tests is the SurgaNYA.

So for a Muslim, believe the economic crisis that is normal. He will be present in the middle of our center. He will become part of our lives episode, he will be a test so we can jump and run faster than before, the test that we can make the drop, fail, and then rose again. And we are confident that the test is but right time, will not necessarily take the storm, he will be normal again, remember the night is always PASTI change with the daylight.

Individual Muslims should be aware in this test that the problem lies not in the position and narrow field, but he must prepare in a while so patience and a lot of gratitude in the usual field, and at every time in any situation there is always the effort to increase the faith and charity as actualization aqidahnya confidence. And she was happy because he believes the test this will happen also because Allah SWT, and he believes that God is the only place where he expects to free himself from the problems this test.

"No one bencanapun that befall the earth and (not) in yourselves but it has been written in the book (lauh Mahfuzh) before we create it. Surely that is easy for Allah. (We explain that) so that you do not grieve for what you escape from, and that you do not too happy with what you diberikanNYA. And Allah does not love every arrogant person who prides itself again "(QS 57:22-23).

That Al-Quran explains how Muslims should behave, and also what benarlah in gratitute Umar bin Khattab,''By the gods, for I am still a Muslim, I will never be concerned with keadaanku.''

Teringatlah and also a story of the Prophet named Abdurrahman bin Auf, he was a rich merchant in the city of Mecca, including the beginning he is left with the propaganda that brought by the Messenger SAW. At the time of the command to emigrate to Medina, he with all haste to leave property in the city of Mecca, he was so militant in the intruksi faith, there is no sense of pity and fear that have been perniagaannya in kelolanya the year. As a result of keyakinannya at that time, he experienced a moment pailit fall, he created, the property does not have abundant means the value of faith in the appeal that he should pertahankan, albeit after the Hijrah he does not have any even if it was a wife (the author does not find the literature whether kisahnya he already beristeri or not while in Mecca).

After some time in the medina, a day, a friend called Anshar Said bin Al-Rabi said to him, "my brother, bagianmu half of the property kekayaanku, I have two homes, you are free to chose, I also have two wives, you are free to choose the one that you like.

Abdurrahman bin Auf not interested in the bid, he does not want to be a burden seimannya brother, saying, "Thank you, I hope God bless the family and property kekayaanmu. I just want to show you where the location of the market. I am a trader. "

Correct course, the lapse of a few years later, Abdurrahman bin Auf already become the richest person in the city of Medina. Even more kekayaannya value of the property left behind in Mecca, this is the result of a confidence, thus any change of God's servants who believe. In history, graven kekayaannya beautiful property that it becomes a major struggle in the Islamic period, and never run out until he died.

That rekanku, history has terabadikan beautiful, and the narrow field that will always be repeated with different causes and measure the impact, and the story is always a story of faith and a brace for the attempt to understand it.

At this time, when you experience failure, poverty, famine struck down, falling poor, do not grieve too long. Head to rise, keep and strengthen confidence tend, once again life is not only to eat and drink, have a more noble task that we must implement. Lost and less property is common, but do not lose confidence and lack of labor soleh, it is confidence and goodwill soleh should strengthen in all conditions despite limited. Who would know and believe God will give you a way out and change that much better than what you had before.

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